Our "Home Page"!
Our Product
Our product, and what it's all about!
Meet The Herd
Where does our meat come from? Meet the herd!
100% Guarantee
A Gaurantee worth 100% ?
You tell us!
We've compared, YOU decide.
The recipes WE like the most!
Useful things we've found out about our beef.
Important information updates about 7 Bar 2 Beef, also news about beef in general that we feel you should be aware of.
EVERYBODY asks them… just so you don't need to.
How It Works
How can you get your beef?
Beef By The Lb
Small, Custom made packages.
At Great Prices!
Beef Shares
Automatic monthly deliveries, at a discount.
Bulk Packages
100+ Lb Packages, even LOWER prices!
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We will answer!
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How It Works
Beef By The Lb
Beef Shares
Bulk Packages